Make-up Techniques To Face Looks More Tyre

Cheek chubby or round face often makes women disrupted. Want your face look more 'slim'? This makeup trick you can try!

Eyes makeup can affect the face look slimmer. According to Valerie Sarnelle, which makes Valerie Beverly hills cosmetic "make eyes" . You look great, the bigger and broader eye makeup your face look even thinner. Also make sure your eyebrows neat and formed.

Recommendations from Paula Dorf, New york city make up artist, if your mouth is small so make full for your lower lips. Lips little more to show you a chubby face. The way around this, wear lip gloss in the middle of your lips. Do not use the lip liner, as more and make your lips look smaller.

According to celebrity makeup artist Brigitte Reiss-Andersen, "mark the corners of your face." How do I? by forming a "highest point" of your face (cheek and brow bones.) Then apply blush on the cheek at the point you marked.