8 How to Choose Sport Shoes

Do not assume that regular sneakers you wear the roads are also suitable for use exercise. Wrong choice of sports shoes, your legs might even injury. So, how to choose sport shoes?. Here's the tips :
1. Do not select shoes multifunction 
Regular sneakers are usually harder or solid, while footwear for sport is much more flexible, with extra cushion to absorb the vibration. For the second activity, buy one pair each.

2. Measure the distance on a regular basis 
Do not think size does not change after the adult foot. According to research, the day of one's foot size can change. Double-check the size of your feet at least twice a year.

Reasons Why Should Stop Drinking Soda ?

Become soda craze many people that it tastes good and refreshing. Soda also makes people addicted. But there is good reason why should you stop drinking soda.
Drinking soda every now and then just does not matter, but what happens on the effects of addiction to make people addicted to drink soda until the adverse effects obtained. People who are addicted to drinking soda almost every day even be several times a day.

Eating Fiber Prevent Flu

Erratic weather of late may make the condition of the body to fall dramatically. Easily caught colds and easily fall ill. And by selectively choosing foods that can support the immune system, the flu virus will not attack.
Having a healthy body for life is everyone's dream. But the situation and changing environmental conditions make the body easy to fall. A variety of viruses that attack easily avoided with a strong immune system. Just try the following to build stamina.
1.      Eat vitamin D: If adequate intake of vitamin D, it would avoid the small possibility of health problems, ranging from colds to cancer. Vitamin D is readily available through sun exposure. In small doses on fatty fish (salmon).

Distinguishing Antiseptic and Disinfectant

People sometimes mistakenly equate antiseptics and disinfectants. Indeed, although both can kill microorganisms, but in fact both are used for different things.
The equation, both of these chemicals can kill bacteria that can cause diseaseand infection. But the point is an antiseptic used to get rid of germs that live on the skin, while the disinfectant to get rid of germs in the body of the dead.

But the disinfectant is also sometimes used as an antiseptic for humans as long as the dose is appropriate because if the dose is too high can make the poisoning to death.

5 Ways to Avoid Credit Card Debt

Just by swiping the card, you've got the stuff of dreams. But unconsciously, secretly you start drowning in credit card debt.
The use of credit cards is now more incentive to various promotions from various card issuers. There are restaurants that offer various discounts, shopping, hotels, up to 0%. Not even a few women who are now also beginning to use credit cards for everyday purposes.

5 Natural Materials To Reduce Pain

If you usually choose an aspirin to treat headaches, not hurt you to try other natural remedies that also can reduce the pain. However, you should always consult a doctor before trying something new.

Natural treatment can be done at home. With materials that are easily foundat the pharmacy or herbal medicine shop, you too can avoid the pain. Here are a few choices of natural painkillers that you can consider, as quoted from foxnews :

4 Tips Fire Warm Love In Marriage

Do not let your marriage go stale and unpleasant. We recommend that you continue to keep the existing fire romance. Here's how. Various ways can be done to maintain domestic harmony. Some tips from this Dailymail can help you.
1. Dispose Call Darling
    Call affection is indeed a special call for the couple. But when your relationship was annual, call it just a normal call. No longer feel the vibration when you mention it. To restore harmony, instead of calling it by name partner affection. 
This will remind your memory like when you first met. Initially may seem rigid, but it's stiffness will excite you and your partner, like a first date first.

Selective Mutism

 She's given up talking
Don't say a word even in the classroom
Not a dickie bird

Ah but when she comes home
It's yap-a-yap-yap
Words are running freely like the water from a tap
Her brothers and her sisters
Can't get a word in edgeways
But when she's back at the school again
She goes into a daze

By Paul McCartney
-She's Given Up Talking-

Cursory listen to the song that contains the child's world, we would not have thought that Paul McCartney is being voiced about the inconvenience of a child.

She's Given Up Talking no ordinary song. For most parents in the world, the song representing their needs to get advocates to condition baby who suffered from Selective Mutism (SM).

Tips for Long Lasting Make Up

Many women want to still look pretty in the middle of busy life. Sweat and oil is often the enemy in the face on the sidelines of the activity. But sometimes, could not immediately straighten and fix her makeup.

If you are a busy, definitely want a longer lasting makeup for not always fix the make-up. To that end, the following makeup techniques to make it more durable, as quoted from changed from gorgeous.

Knowing How to Water Quality

Water is one important component in human life, therefore consume clean water becomes imperative factor in itself. Then how do I know if a water supply or not?
Not all regions in Indonesia especially in Jakarta have good water quality when water is used for a variety of activities and one of them to drink. Therefore, cleanliness of the water you drink will affect one's health.

8 Foods to be seen

Like drinking chocolate and soda? Or you avoid coffee and eggs for fear of bad effects? Apparently not all bad for the health effect of food. Try and look at the following eight food!

Experiencing Baby Signs Dehydration

Of the various kinds of health risks that can be experienced by children, the problem of dehydration or loss of body fluids are rarely a major concern of parents when their children sick. Though silenced dehydration can be fatal.
Parents are usually less sensitive to the problem of dehydration because they think the baby can not be affected by dehydration. These thoughts arise because the baby is always given to drink milk regularly.
But according to research conducted by St. John's Medical College in Bangalore, India, and published in Indian Journal of Pediatrics, exclusive breastfeeding can even cause dehydration in infants.

Overcome Hair Loss With Hot Oil

Oil heat is applied to the hair can solve hair problems. This treatment aims to increase hair growth and get rid of dandruff, as quoted from grace n glamour.
In addition, these treatments also can overcome the damage and dryness of hair. Do this treatment once a week. With regular maintenance can improve the condition of hair.
It's easy course, oil is heated directly on the fire. We have had many stores that sell equipment to warm the oil. You also can warm it by putting oil on the spoon on the bottom hold your fire.

Do not Give Food Prize in Children

Giving gifts to children on achievement or a good thing can be done to further motivate the child. But do not ever give food as a reward, because it might trigger obesity later in life.
"Give in other forms. For if the form of food, especially tasty, the kids tend to be asked again, whatever the conditions. Long-old child could be obese," said Dr. Grace Judio Kahl, MSc, MH, CHt observer lifestyle as well as doctors weight management consultant from the SHAPE Indonesia in the talk show 'ward off disease with the Healthy Eating 'in FX Plaza, Jl Sudirman, Jakarta, Monday (18/10/2010).

4 Ways to Prevent Headaches advent

A headache or cephalgia is pain anywhere in the region of the head or neck. It can be a symptom of a number of different conditions of the head and neck. The brain tissue itself is not sensitive to pain because it lacks pain receptors. Rather, the pain is caused by disturbance of the pain-sensitive structures around the brain. Several areas of the head and neck have these pain-sensitive structures, which are divided in two categories: within the cranium (blood vessels, meninges, and the cranial nerves) and outside the cranium (the periosteum of the skull, muscles, nerves, arteries and veins, subcutaneous tissues, eyes, ears, sinuses and mucous membranes).
Knowing and understanding the early symptoms are the most effective treatment to prevent any future headaches.

5 Ways Easy & Cheap Kids Want to Exercise

Invite your child to want to exercise is not an easy matter. Need special tricks to make the children to move around.
Invite your child to exercise is not meant to spend a lot, you can take exercise in a way that is easy and cheap. Here are five ways to make your child want to exercise, as quoted from Aboutcom :

1. Most kids can not refuse to move their muscles when faced with something that could make them climb, swing, climb and glide. Playing with sand can also be an option, dig sand movement is very good for the arms. Therefore, provide a game that could make him play as well as sports such as football, kite and rubber strap. In addition, you also can take her to the public playground which provides various facilities such as game swing or slide.

10 Things Simple For More Happy & Healthy

You know, there are ten simple things that can make you happier and avoid the disease? Here are ten things.

It was ascertained that the happiness of one's effect on health. As quoted from geniusbeauty, an American psychologist found that there are ten simple factors that icrease the happiness and health someone.
The study, written in the journal The Psychological Science, explains that those who have the ability to be happy because of the simple things will be spared from the diseases of old age. Not only that, they too can live seven years longer than people who do not do these ten things simple.


A Mother's kindergarten teacher held a "game". The teacher asked the children each bring their students a transparent plastic bag of fruit and potatoes. Each potato was given the name based on the name of the person hated. Thus the number of non-specified how many potatoes, depending on the number of people he hated.
On the agreed day each student took the potatoes in a plastic bag. There is a distinguished number 2, there are 3 even have a 5. As their teacher commands, each potato is named after the name of the person hated. The students should bring a plastic bag containing these potatoes wherever they go, even to the toilet though, for 1 week.

Day by day, the potatoes began to rot, the students began to complain, let alone that brought 5 pieces of potato, in addition to heavy smell too bad. After 1 week of kindergarten students are relieved that their ordeal will end soon.

Milk Better Than Energy Drink

While sports usually we often consume energy drinks for extra power. But there was a better drink than those energy drinks.
Some researchers from Loughborough University in England claims that milk is a sports beverage (sports drink) is most effective when compared with energy drinks. Low-fat milk may help athletes recover after intense exercise.

As reported by wolipop ever before, that turned out to eat is not always good for the body. Unknown if it turns out energy drinks can cause brittleness in the teeth.

How to help victims of domestic violence

Domestic violence, also known as domestic abuse, spousal abuse, child abuse or intimate partner violence (IPV), can be broadly defined as a pattern of abusive behaviors by one or both partners in an intimate relationship such as marriage, dating, family, friends or cohabitation. Domestic violence has many forms including physical aggression (hitting, kicking, biting, shoving, restraining, slapping, throwing objects), or threats thereof; sexual abuse; emotional abuse; controlling or domineering; intimidation; stalking; passive/covert abuse (e.g., neglect); and economic deprivation. Domestic violence may or may not constitute a crime, depending on local statutes, severity and duration of specific acts, and other variables. Alcohol consumption and mental illness can be co-morbid with abuse, and present additional challenges when present alongside patterns of abuse.

7 Reasons To Visit Your Ophtalmologist

Of the many doctors that you normally visit, including the most eye doctors rarely even hardly ever. Here are some reasons why you should visit an ophthalmologist.

Eye is one of the vital body parts ang Palin. However, not a few people who underestimate health. Here are seven reasons for you to visit an ophthalmologist, as quoted from geniusbeauty.

Not to check the eyes more than a year 
Make a regular schedule to visit an eye doctor once a year. The frequency of these visits is considered sufficient by the physician's eyes and allow the doctor to see the indication of early stage disease in your eye.

4 Mistakes in Using Make-Up

Make-up can be supporting your appearance. But when its application is wrong, make-ups will only worsen the appearance.
Here are 4 mistakes in using make-up, as quoted from Carefair :

1. Wrong using eyeliner 
Eye liner should make your eyes more alive. When your eyes look haggard and tired as wear eyeliner, something is wrong. Use eyeliner in a way brushed one time in your eye line. Do it by pulling from the front to the tail of the eye. Do not do the movement back and forth, because it will make the eyeliner look untidy, and finally make your face look weird.

Make-up Techniques To Face Looks More Tyre

Cheek chubby or round face often makes women disrupted. Want your face look more 'slim'? This makeup trick you can try!

Eyes makeup can affect the face look slimmer. According to Valerie Sarnelle, which makes Valerie Beverly hills cosmetic "make eyes" . You look great, the bigger and broader eye makeup your face look even thinner. Also make sure your eyebrows neat and formed.

Stress Gone With Hugs

How often do you hug a husband, boyfriend, brother or your best friend? Do not under estimate efficacy of a hug. Because according to the study, a hug can relieve stress.
Based on research results released by the journal Psychosomatic Medicine, a warm hug to release oxytocin, a hormone associated with feelings of love and peace. These hormones will suppress the hormone that causes stress on the body initially languished.

Feng Shui Right To Life Love More Powerful

 Fengshui science is not new anymore. Many people who decorate his house with the guidance of Chinese origin science.

Many people believe, if the Feng Shui of a house is true, then a lot of positive energy flowing in and give happiness and health for the owner. Launched stvalentinesday, Feng Shui it can affect the merits of the relationship between two lovebirds.

Here are some suggestions from the science of Feng Shui, for the sake of preserving the integrity of the relationship :

Family Empowerment of Children with Special Needs

Being a parent is
a. Noble task
b. Not easy
c. Especially if we have children with a special need

Special Needs Children is
Children who need attention, support or assistance because he suffered disability both physically and psychologically, for example children - children who have developmental disorders such as autism, attention disorder / hyperactivity (ADHD), Down syndrome, mental retardation, speech and language disorders that lead to special needs.

Parents need more time to nurture, support and help for children to achieve skills in the development.

5 Secrets To More Beautiful Skin

Secret owner clean skin, beautiful and radiant beauty is not an expensive product. They have habits to care for their skin. Here's the secret, as quoted from a total beauty.

Almost all women beautiful skin owners say exercise is part of a secret. Most of them exercising three times a week. Sports that they do also varied, ranging from lifting weights, aerobics, swimming, running, cycling to yoga. Just choose whichever you like.

Washing your face twice a day has become a liability for owners of beautiful skin. They did it once in the morning with soap and again at night. Sleeping in a state of make-up is still on the face is the most avoided.

How to Select Vegetables & Fruits Frozen

Eating foods such as frozen vegetables and fruits really does not matter. However, there are several ways to consider when choosing frozen food.
Actually, frozen vegetables and fruits more nutritious and fresh. That's because the nutrients they contain is still very incomplete because the finished plucked directly frozen, as quoted from realsimple.

Tips for Choosing The Right Sports Clothes

Choosing the right sport shirt not only aims to make you look stylish. Comfortable sports clothing can also make you feel at home exercise.
Want to know how to choose the right sport shirt? Consider the following tips from the Care Fair.

1. The first time that must be considered in choosing a sports apparel is material. Sport is an activity that makes the body sweat. It is therefore important to choose materials that can absorb water or sweat it well. Workout clothes that do not absorb perspiration can cause interference on your skin and make skin pores difficult to breathe. 

Instead, choose synthetic materials made specifically for sports clothing. Synthetic materials are designed to absorb sweat and keep it perfectly, so as not to disturb the skin.

Vegetable Juice Can Potentially Haram

Consuming a source of vitamin C is essential for the body. And juice packaging often be an alternative choice. But you must remain vigilant, because there is the possibility of vegetable juice may change its status to not kosher. How come?
The weather is often fickle when it makes us be aware of the deterioration in health. One was how to prevent it is to eat a balanced diet including vitamins and fiber in sufficient quantities. One of the important vitamins are vitamin C many derived from fruits and vegetables.

For sources of vitamin C, the fruit in the form of whole seems indeed to be the best choice. Because these fruits can meet the requirement of vitamin C and fiber as well. But there is also a preference in the form of fruit in juice. Where bottled juice or juice cans are sold in lots of stalls, shops, to supermarkets.

5 Ways to Conquer Pre-Menstrual Syndrome

Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) or pre-menstrual syndrome is often a problem each month for women. But STDs do not have to cause misery. There are at least 5 ways to conquer PMS healthy. Anything?
Before entering a period of menstruation, women typically often feel abdominal cramps, mood swings, bloating and nausea. It is actually reasonable, but there are several ways to ease it.

Reporting from Sheknows, Thursday (06/10/2010), here are 5 ways to conquer the syndrome of pre menstrusi:
1. Moderate exercise 
Moderate exercise such as brisk walking and swimming can help alleviate painful cramps and reduce bloating. Yoga and pilates are also good for relaxation and stretching.

2. Reduce snacking (Craving)
While PMS, should you reduce the habit of snacking on chocolate, crisps or other snacks. Fluctuating hormones can cause you addicted. Better watch your diet, drink water and keep your salt intake and blood sugar levels. This can help maintain appetite and relieve flatulence.

8 Causes Immune Decline

Immune Decline
Some daily habits could actually reduce a person's immune system. Without realizing there are 8 things that can make a person's immune system decline.
Decreased immune not only makes a person sick with the flu or a cough, but it makes people vulnerable to infection by bacteria or viruses outside.

Excerpted from Prevention, Wednesday (06/10/2010) there are 8 things that can lower the immune response, namely:

1. Often stayed up late 
Reducing sleep time will have a strong adverse effect on immunity, it is because of less hours of sleep is associated with decreased immune system function and reduce the number of cells that protect against germs. Researchers from the University of Chigago found people who slept 4 hours, will only produce as much as 50 percent of antibodies in the blood.

Lifestyle Change for Avoided from Alzheimer's

The number of people with Alzheimer's in developing countries continues to expand. Lifestyle that one can be a trigger Alzheimer's. Nothing wrong if you begin to make lifestyle changes from now to avoid this brain memory loss diseases.
Currently the cause of Alzheimer's fourth highest mortality in the world. If not handled properly, it is feared could be the cause of Alzheimer's highest mortality because the number of sufferers is much greater than the cancer.

Alzheimer's disease will also be a cause of death for the highest cost. This is because a person with Alzheimer's care costs ranged from 5-10 years.

"To reduce the risk of getting Alzheimer's, suggested start improving lifestyle (lifestyle), diet and nutrition. Some of the foods or beverages proved to be very beneficial to the brain, the pomegranate, green tea and DHA (fish oil)," says Professor Ralph Nigel Martins already 25 years working in the field of Alzheimer's, the release of Siloam Hospital on Monday (05/10/2010).

Three types of ADHD

Association of American psychiatrist has identified the 3 (three) types of ADHD, namely:
  1. ADHD combined type, with characteristics: inatentif, impulsive and hyperactive
  2. ADHD with type less able to pay attention, with features : inatentive and appeared often daydream. They did not listen when being spoken to and seem unable to follow instructions or the project. Lost complaining and forgetful.
  3. ADHD with predominant type hyperactive - impulsive, with a characteristic likely to be too energetic, running there - here and "jump arbitrarily". Neverless surprise everyone, they often can pay attention in class and it seems indeed to learn, even when you're not listening.

12 Signs of Alzheimer's disease

Alzheimer's is one of the most feared disease because it makes people forget themselves due to memory loss. 12 Know the signs of Alzheimer's disease.Because one symptom alone does not necessarily indicate that a person has Alzheimer's or dementia, "said Raj C. Shah, MD from the Rush Memory Clinic at Rush University Medical Center, Chicago, as quoted from the Health, on Tuesday (05/10/2010).

The 12 signs of Alzheimer's disease is important to know in order to help diagnose more quickly, namely:
1. Memory lossAny person may forget a conversation in detail, but people with Alzheimer's will forget what just happened or what new to say. Memory loss is not consistent. People with Alzheimer's may forget the name of his dog one day and remember it the next day.

2. Agitation and mood swingsPeople with Alzheimer's will appear anxious and agitated, he could move continuously and rapidly, angry at a certain place or become fixated on certain details. Agitation is a result of fear, confusion, fatigue and overwhelmed to try to understand the world who have no sense according to him. In addition, rapid changes in mood occur and unreasonable can occur.

ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder)

ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder)
 Generally, there are 3 types of behavior that related with ADHD :
  1. Failure in focus or distraktive
  2. Impulsif
  3. Hyperactive
1. Failure in focus
    Children can be easily change their attention with the surrounding. They can't maintain concentration with something, so they can easily change their attention from one to another, such as sometimes we aren't focus at class when our teacher explained the lesson, our mind walking everywhere, get bored, low short term memory, etc.

2. Impulsif
    Sometimes we often warned the children to be careful when they want to cross the street. "Watch your step before you cross the street. But, children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder having trouble to follow our speech like that. They always lived in a hurry throughout his life, as though seem like they never planned or imagine the effect of they do. Child disability in controlling their self, will have an impact with delayed response. impulse that emerged in the children express themselves urged to immediately and without consideration, often labeled as an aggressive child, not knowing the rules, do not like to wait and like to cut the conversation. This impulse can cause the child to a high potential for conducting activities that endanger both themselves and others.

3. Hyperactive
    A hyperactive child, which generally are often show signs of acute anxiety, such as running everywhere in the class, making a noise, climb - climb, often moving hands and feet or even harder to do its work to completion.

Saute Ginseng Leaf with Shrimp

Ingridients :

2 string of ginseng leaf, wash and cut it from the stalk.
2 ounce of shrimp, throw it the skin but don't throw away the head and the tail. Wash it under the water.
4 big red chillies, oblique slices.
4 red cayenne peppers, oblique slices.
4 green chillies, oblique slices.
1/2 clove of onions, thinly slices.
1 tablespoon of sesame oil.
1 tablespoon of oyster sauce.
2 tablespoon of cooking oil for sauteing.
2 tablespoon of margarine.
50 ml water.
3 clove of garlic, crushed it then roughly chopped.
Salt, sugar and pepper (depends on us).

How to Cook :
  1. Oil heat that mixed with margarine and sesame oil
  2. Saute onions, garlic, red chillies, green chillies and red cayenne peppers until fragrant
  3. Added with shrimp and cook until the shrimp was change then put the ginseng leaf. Cook until wilted
  4. Added salt, sugar and pepper powder then stir it. After that, added with water then cook until seasoning seep with covered the pan.
  5. Serve it