Choco Ban Pancake

Ingriedients :
  • 175 gram wheat flour
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 1 tsp baking soda
  • 2 tbsp sugar
  • 1 / 2 tsp vanilla
    enough salt
    2 eggs, shake loose
    250 ml susu liquid
  • 60 gr butter liquid
  • enough oil
  • enough brown meises
  • enough plantain
  • enough IM vla

How To Cook :
1. mixed wheat flour, baking soda, vanilla, baking powder until the average
2. enter the egg that has been shaken, liquid margarine, sugar, and salt. Put milk slowly while being stirred until the average
3. diamkan dough for approximately 20 minutes
4. heat a small frying pan anti-sticky, that already give some oil into the frying pan
5. pour batter into pan secukupnya
6. cooked dough with a small fire, until cooked
7. the other dough cooked in the same way

How To Serve It :
a. prepare the pancake is cooked
b. give with instant vla
c. put the plantain that has been sliced thin above
d. bank with the other pancake
e. spread with instant vla and taburi with the above meises
f. then close with a pancake
g. vla tub with instant and with taburi meses