Welcome for Infertile Men

One of the most horrible thing for men is erectile dysfunction or impotence which makes it difficult to make an erection during intercourse. But there is a way to fertile men by avoiding the following practices.
Just so you know, difficulty getting children not just women who are the cause. A third problem is difficult pregnant spouse comes from a man who experienced fertility problems.
Infertility is the inability to become pregnant within 1 year after the routine associated with no contraception.
Problem of male fertility disorders include genetic factors, health conditions, infections, stress to the use of certain drugs.
As quoted from MSNHealth, Friday (11/26/2010) there are some things that can be done by a man to improve his chances of overcoming or avoiding infertility.
There are at least 7 ways to make a man so fertile that is:
1. Say goodbye to tight clothes
Using a loose-fitting clothing or tight that not be possible for the testicles to breathe. This is because tight clothing can increase testicular temperature that can kill or reduce the ability of sperm in the egg.

2. Stay away from warm water bath
Warm bath or hot water can damage fertility by killing sperm that have been generated. But the doctor said is still safe to use the steam room (steam room).

3. Eating L-carnitine and acetyl-L-carnitine
Men with low sperm counts can try taking a dietary supplement containing L-carnitine and acetyl-L-carnitine. The content of this played a role in the process of development, maturation and maintenance of sperm, so as to optimize the quantity and quality of sperm.

4. Stop using condoms
If you're undergoing a monogamous relationship and plan to have children, you should refrain from the use of condoms to increase these opportunities. 

5. Do not overdosis with the sex
Excessive sex will not increase your chances of a couple to conceive, even if someone did have sex 4-5 times a day. This is because the number of sperm declined rapidly after ejaculation, and usually takes 48 hours to reach the level of pre-ejaculation.

6. Consuming antioxidants
Nutrients consumed can help grow healthy sperm. This is because high levels of free radicals that can cause infertility in some men, because free radicals can damage healthy cells, including sperm.

Sperm does need to free radicals are making egg cells, but the numbers only slightly. If too much can damage the sperm cell membranes and DNA, and reduce the ability of sperm to fertilize. For that to smokers or men with high levels of free radicals, is expected to consume lots of antioxidants like beta carotene, vitamin C and vitamin E.

7. Little or no alcohol consumption
The study shows men who consume large amounts of alcohol may damage fertility. A heavy drinker is very likely end up with a damaged liver, which increases estrogen levels in the damaged liver can lead to disruption of sperm production.