Breast Cancer

Breast are contains from gland collection and fat tissue that located between skin and chest bone. Gland inside the breast will produce milk after a woman borne. Glands milk called Lobule which shaped lobe or product of milk pocket. It contain about 15 - 20 bags in every breast, that connected with milk channel which fall in hilt. Rest of breast are contains from fat tissue and fibrous tissue which connect each other, that band breast and influence in shape and size. It also contains venous blood vessel and sap gland in breast.

Cancer is a disease is a result growth abnormal from body cells tissue that become cancer cell. Cancer cell can be spread to other part of the body. The cells are growing continuously become a bump and called with tumor. Tumor can be malignant or can be benign. Tumor that malignant is called with cancer. Malignant tumor have special characteristic, which spread to other part of body to become a new tumor. Distribution cell was called with metastases. Cancer have different characteristics. There is grow very fast and there is grow very slow, likes breast cancer.

Nowadays, breast cancer is in number two after cervix uterus cancer which happened in women in Indonesia. To prevent this, the best way to control ourselves is with to detect early stadium and with early therapy.

Detection about breast cancer is an effective program to detect as early breast cancer to women which not follow by any other symptom, according to 3 parts :
  1. Check our breast
  2. Check our body to the doctor
  3. Mammography

A Sign to detect breast cancer and the symptom :
  1. There is changing in breast skin (likes orange skin)
  2. Excrescence in breast, aching or not aching
  3. There is liquid/blood that come out from the nipple
  4. There is a pain sensation around the breast
If in women were found that symptom above, so there need to check mammography, not just for early detection but for determining the next step therapy. So, call your doctor immediately!!

Why Mammography is Needed ?
With the up to date technologies, so X-Ray which spread is very little so it won't to dangerous and technically is relative easier. From detection with mammography, number of death cause by breast cancer can decrease until 30%.

Who Needs to check Mammography ?
Women which have high risk with breast cancer are :
  1. Women with age 35 years above
  2. Women that doesn't married
  3. Women which don't have children
  4. Women that born the first child in the age after 30 years old
  5. Women that have family history in breast cancer
  6. Women in menopause time
When Mammography & Detection for Breast Cancer is Do it ?
Checking for mammography and detect breast cancer is suggested for :
  • Woman in the age between 35 - 39 years old :
  1. Check their own breast once a month
  2. Check their breast to the doctor once in every 3 years
  3. Do check up basically mammography
  • Woman in the age between 40 - 49 years old :
  1. Check up our breast once a month
  2. Check up our breast every year to the doctor
  3. Check up mammography once in 1 - 2 year
  • Woman in the age of 50 years above
  1. Check up our breast once a month
  2. Check up our breast every year to the doctor
  3. Check up with mammography every year although there isn't symptom