How to Decorate "Centong" Beautiful ?

Rice ladle, the kitchen of the usual we use to take the rice ... now "move up" to display a beautiful room to room or our family. With a little "touch", rice ladle can be turned into a decoration. Friends berhiasnya is not far from his friends in the kitchen that is a group of seeds and spices that accompany mothers everyday.

Main Tools :
  • Rice Ladle (Centong)
  • Glue Shoot (Lem Tembak) or Wood Glue (Lem Kayu)
  • Vernis & brush
Garnish :
  1. temulawak (Temulawak)
  2. five broken flower (Bunga Pecah Lima)
  3. clove (Cengkeh)
  4. biji saga
  5. corn (Jagung)
  6. green beans (Kacang Hijau)
  7. red beans (Kacang Merah)
  8. cardamom (Kapulaga)
  9. nutmeg seed (Biji Pala)
  10. cinnamon (Kayu Manis)
  11. interest deaf (Bunga Pekak)
  12. bebetan
How To Decorate :
  1. If necessary, create a plan of this grain rice ladle directly above or on the sheet of paper
  2. Paste the decoration of the large to the small
  3. Arrange as one pleases you in accordance with the placement plan
  4. After you have finished all the penempelan seeds and spices, wait until the glue dry up, and the liquid layer vernis
Besides rice ladle, talenan mill and dough can also decorated with seeds and spices similar kitchen. The result, not cool .....